.discography.    .tent city records.

The Band that was 'Choking Victim' July 12, 2006
(The Much Needed Update)

This update was actually intended to be made-- or was written on March 5, 2001. However, it wasn't until today that I managed to get access to this site again. That is insane. And instead of trying to rebuild a new site or carry on what I was doing at age... 15? --I'm not even bothering to do anything but editing this poorly pieced together re-design I was in the process of working on in the middle of my teenage years, including taking out parts of the site I seemed to have been aiming for.

Original Update Text:

Choking Victim broke up folks. The band had four releases and miscellaneous appearances on compilations up until their end. This is old news but new news to the site. STZA formed a new band called Leftover Crack and EZRA and Skwert formed their band called INDK.

Now back to the present me speaking. You can still find some information that you can cram up your butt here, but check out the links above if you're looking for closure. Throughout these years, many of you have decided to try messaging the email address that was left up (and that I couldn't do anything about). At the end of this, I can say I have had people from all over the world talk to me, or at least attempt to. After several years, I just lost any care to respond to innocent emails (sorry), or seemingly immature punk kids. I can give you the observation, though, that kids seem to be kids the same everywhere; equally annoying in similar ways! Some people I've spent years continuing conversations with. A statistical observation would be that a lot of people who've contacted me (or attempted to) throughout the years, have been primarily from Australia, France, and Canada above all else. There's a few kids from the U.S., and some from the U.K. here or there.

That's all there really is to say. I've had interesting invitations from being one of the rare sources of information throughout the years on the band, and now I've finally been able to get back in touch. I've lost a lot of knowledge/focus on the band and punk overall, so I'm not much use, nor convicted to making something more of this space. In my own reflection of the saga of this site, I think it's almost a unique little spot that has existed for Choking Victim on the internet. I've never floated off into nothingness throughout all this time, and am still around, anyway. If for some reason you're curious about the guy who made this site (perhaps you've checked up here throughout your years), you can simply follow the link to my site at the top and behold. That's also where you can contact me.

Thank you and I hope you find whatever you're looking for! (Ha! I've just noticed my site is on Choking Victim's Wikipedia entry. Maybe I'll resurrect/complete this on a day that beckons for hobby work... Hm.) Well, this is how things are for now!



"Providing You with that Crack Rock Steady Beat Since 1993."
-Choking Victim